Tuesday, July 25, 2006


guh!!!!! At the end of the last school year, (last week of may), when I started back working at the school, I asked about possibly graduating in January 2007 instead of May 2007 as I would have enough credits at the end of the first semester. I was told, that I would be notified before school starts up again September 4th. However, I have little patience for almost all things, so I am waiting, and waiting and waiting, to see if I get to graduate early. How sweet would that be.

Come to school the first day of the 3rd marking period, but have graduated the Friday before. w00t w00t. Then I could get to laugh at all the students ... "haha your ass still has to wake up everyday and come to school" type thing. One could only hope, and I am hoping alot. Though I will probably go to basic training early if they will let me. So I would have 9weeks gone down in Missouri, come home for a month or two, then go to Oklahoma for another 7weeks and 1day. Though I am not sure what I want to do. All in one or split op, even if they would let me do it.

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