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"2 words, nuclear fu**in weapons" - Dennis Leary
I have moved my blog to a new page. You will be redirected there in 3 seconds. The new link is
Posted by
5:04 PM
What can I say, I love it. What is it? Its a Palm Pilot with many features. Of course it has the typical Palm applications but it includes bluetooth, infrared, mp3 player and more.
I have a program called OmniRemote installed that can capture the signal a device remote that uses infrared to where I can control that device with my Palm Pilot.
So far it has been sweet.
Posted by
7:22 PM
So, last night I finally saw Hot Fuzz. I have to say it was a pretty good movie. I liked it better than Shaun Of The Dead thats for sure.
There were 2 quotes that I found quite funny. I am not sure if it was because of the accent or what but they were funny.
"You cheeky fucker"
"Fuck off grasshopper"
Posted by
11:41 AM
So, 2 days ago it was 70°F outside. We were down at the lake fishing, hanging out, and I was driving my remote control boat. Today it was a high of 30°F outside and snowing. 2 days, -40° difference. Where is global warming when I want it.
Posted by
5:43 PM
I know I am. Today I looked deeper into my MOS (military occupation specialty) that I will be acquiring in the fall. My MOS is 13 Delta (Field Artillery Automated Tactical Data System Specialist). Sounds pretty fancy.
My main job: Primarily responsible for operating field artillery tactical data systems on a Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Team. :O , :D, XD and so on.
Seems pretty high speed and I think it will be sweet. For more info checkout
Posted by
6:32 PM
SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) is awesome. At National Guard this weekend we had competitions taking them apart and putting them back together. The fact that you can remove the barrel easily when it gets to hot and slam another one in there makes it a bad as machine gun. What is the SAW you ask? Every play Counter-Strike? Its the M249 under the "Machine Gun" category in the gun buy menu....
Posted by
12:52 PM
Out on the lake across the street there is some open water. It has been getting warmer here so the ice is starting to melt. There are also a lot of people who like to ice fish. (you can see where I am going already). Somebody was dumb enough to put up a shanty like 20 feet from open water. I would like to say they checked the thickness of the ice but who knows. Now whats bad about this (even if the ice was thick there) is the fact there is open water so close, that the ice might start to crack and then break and spread to where he is.
So next time you are doing something think "Is what I am doing/about to do dumb?"
Posted by
2:25 PM
Its been a while since I last posted so what the hay, I figured I would throw out some random stuff.
My addiction to Mountain Dew leads to me drinking it everyday. So, last week I finally hit a week where it wasn't on sale. A 2ltr of Mountain Dew cost me $1.70 !!!! The store I normally go to, I quit going because if you use a Debit/Credit card(ie. says the word "Debit" on it) they have to use Debit which charges an extra $1 and I am not going to pay $2.50-$2.70 for a 2ltr. So anyways, the sale started back up again and now its 5 2ltr Pepsi products for $5. So I bought 5 2ltr's of Moutain Dew and will have to stock up on a few more once we get close to the weekend.
On another note, I am awaiting for the approval of my application to use the UPS Ready Program (XML Api for a project I am doing).
Posted by
2:16 PM
So I received my copy of Vista Business the other day from the PowerTogether Campaign by Microsoft. Took me 23 minutes from starting the shutdown process of XP to logging in to Vista after it installed. It looks great, as I expected. VERY stable for all that I have done so far. The only software I had trouble with was Zend Studio. I have ZS 5, and that did not copy the exe over so it wouldn't work. I upgrdaed to 5.5 and everything works fine. The only other thing I found was my sound. Every now and then it needs some inspiration by testing the speakers to get it to play the music. Other than that its been great. Downloads are quite a bit faster than in XP. In my opinion you can never have to big of a download speed.
Posted by
9:49 AM
So, Thursday was my last day attending school. YAY!!! So now I just work. Oddly enough that ends me right back at the school only an hour later.
Yesterday I got to train on a FATS system at National Guard. It was.. BADASS!!!! Think of "Duck Hunt" from the Nintendo with the gun. Trade the gun with a M16-A2 Assault Rifle, a big screen and shooting at guys instead of ducks. This system is A LOT more advanced than duck hunt but its very close in the same contents. You shoot things on a screen with a gun. The guns has CO2 hooked up to them so they could function like a normal M16. It was amazing and I want one, or several. This thing is so advanced it even manages your ammo, and when you run out the bolt stays back(like a normal one), you have to pop out the clip put it back in and hit the bolt release and you have a new clip.
Although my back hurts from being in the prone position a lot yesterday it was well worth it.
Posted by
12:34 PM