Saturday, December 30, 2006

My Car

So, Dec 19th, I was goofing around coming home from M-Tech. I was goofing around and jumped some railroad tracks at around 30. Some tracks this is no big deal, however these ones were like a jump. Here is a picture of the ascent and descent coming off the tracks. "picture --> / \ <--" . See, its basically a jump. I ended up braking the cross member that holds up the transmission. :eek: . So Thursday (Dec 28th) I got it towed and fixed. When they towed it, here were the conditions of my car.
1. Broken cross member
2. Couldn't shift out of drive (yes its was sitting in drive for 9 days straight) due to #1
3. Flat tire. I'm guessing the jump may have caused this but am not positive.
4. Dead battery. Seeing as I couldn't get out of drive I couldn't take the keys out leaving it in the on position ("not running").

So I got it back and it was quite less than what friends/family told me it was probably going to cost.
Friends/Family Verdict: $700+
Estimate from Rays Auto: $200 - $300 + tow
Total (including tow and tax): $306 (without tax like $299.9x)

I was pretty happy and had the money to pay for it. w00t!

In the end, I learned a lesson. Screwing around in the car can cost you money. For me, putting money into getting my car fixed is probably one of the last financial things I want to do, so lesson learned.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Cheap Shot

So tonight, I decided I would go to the basketball game going on at my highschool with my brother and some friends. It was all going good, had a good time until I go to leave. I wait around for a while to let the parking lot to clear, and my brother and his friends left to go to Burger King while I was gonna go straight home. So about 10 minutes later I decide to finally walk out and leave.

I go walking out into the parking lot all by myself, and I feel this sharp pain in the side of my face. This black kid had run up behind me and punched me in the face and took off running. Then it happened again, only it was a different kid and a different spot on my face. I thought for sure they were gonna rob me, so I was just trying to stay standing (which I did). Then I here "hey man, are you all right?", I respond with yeah, I guess so, then this asshole has the balls to run up and punch me in the mouth and take off running like the other two low life pieces of shit. The first two pissed me off enough, and then the shit with the third guy. Oh man... I look around, and this kid was about 15 feet from me and asked me if they had done to me what they had just done to him. I said yes, and see my brother standing there astounded as it had happened to him to, and he walked out about 5 minutes before me.

The 3 guys had run off to who knows where, so I went and let the principal know so if he saw any of this nonsense to continue hopefully he could catch them. So I left, as did my brother, and I went home. So now its a few hours later and my face still hurts..

So I got cheap shotted not once, not twice, but three times... Such a great night.