Sunday, October 29, 2006

Wireless router

I am not gonna tell you I got a new wireless router. Although I do need one as my DLink DI624 sucks horribly. I went out of state this weekend to my aunt an uncles house. Down in Elkhart(sp?) Indiana. So I had my laptop with me, just to get some work done on the shopping cart. I picked up a wireless signal from it that was unsecure. Seeing, as my uncle works for Comcast I thought I would mention he needs to tighten his security up a bit. So I go tell him, and he tells me he doesn't have a wireless router. Then I told him, well one of your neighbors do then. That night we go to a restaurant place to pick up food. I decide I will take my laptop with me just to see how many we pick up. In a 15 minute drive I picked up at least 25 routers half of them being unsecure. I was surprised at that. I found out, that Comcast uses 2Wire gateways for its users wireless connectivity. These were the only ones I found secure. I was simply amazed.

So, a weekend I thought I would be without the internet, turned out that I was on a nice good connection anyways. So I leave you with this.... Rock On!! Broadband


Thursday, October 19, 2006

=( Didn't go through

Well, O'reilly Media said no for there e-books. Totally understandable and I knew it was a long shot. However I must say this, they responded quite quickly, and were nice about it. They included a reason instead of just saying ("your nuts").

On another "The Departed" is an awesome movie. Its not the typical movie where the main character is a hero and lives happily ever after. ALL the major characters die. How sweet is that!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Major Update For HitMyServer

So, lately I have been working like mad to get done. With this I have added some cool lightbox style features.

Another big thing is I sent off an email to O'Reilly Media asking for permission to use electronic versions of some of there books. I am figuring they will say no as I cannot offer much, however I have already gotten one publisher allowing me to use their books. I am hoping they will allow at least a few books because of what HitMyServer is based around.

Oh yeah.. Tigers are going to the WolrdSeries!!!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

and the tigers win the series

The last time the tigers won the World Series was back in 1984 I believe. This year they have been on a role. They beat the New York Yankees in the first series of the playoffs. Nobody thought that they would win but they did.. So screw you all =) . Go Tigers!!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

My birthday

So Saturday was my 18th birthday. w00t w00t. I didn't do much as usual. Had a friend over and we played a lot of Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour. I went to best buy with some extra $$$. I bought the Logitech G5 mouse and a joystick that has throttle and z-axis as well.

I plan on starting my checking account tomorrow. I have waiting months and months to get one so I didn't have to have cash around.

Other than that, it was a pretty boring weekend. It does beat last year however, when I worked extra hours on my birthday.